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How to make stuff: how to make no sugar ice cream

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

how to make no sugar ice cream

Needed materials for making ice-cream: 2 cups non-fat milk, 1 cup Splenda, 1/4 cup fat-free powdered milk, 8 eggs (yolks only needed), 1 cup fat-free half-and-half corn syrup. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3 cups of prepared fruit, 1 ice cream maker, 1 large pot, 1 wooden spatula.

1 - Pre-Freeze your ice cream maker's gel container. 2 - Heat the milk, Splenda and powdered milk. 3 - Separate 8 egg yolks. 4 - Whip the egg yolks until thickened. 5 - Slowly add 1 cup of the hot milk mixture to the egg yolks. 6 - Pour the egg yolk mix into the pot of hot milk. 7 - Add the light cream and vanilla and refrigerate. 8 - Prepare the fruit. 9 - Mix the milk/cream mix with the fruit. 10 - Fire up the ice cream maker!. 11 - Enjoy! Hey, once it reaches the consistency you like, it's time to eat!  That's it!  You made great homemade fat-free, sugar-free ice cream!

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