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How to make stuff: How to make homemade wine

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to make homemade wine

Rinse fruit which your going to use thoroughly and remove stems. Then mash fruit with potato masher or a blender. Add a bit of water if using blender so as not to burn out the motor.Followed by that pour mashed fruit into a plastic bucket. Next step is simmer 10 lbs. of sugar in about 1 gallon of water until it is a clear syrup. Stir in the fruit. Put this mixture in the bucket. Add enough water to almost fill the bucket. Be sure to leave 4 to 6 inches of space from the top for it to rise under the lid. Then scoop out about 2 cups of the warm must and put in a large plastic bowl. Pour in one packet of wine yeast. Stir the mixture well. Add this mixture back to your bucket of must. Stir the must with a long wooden spoon once a day for 7 days.

This is most important step, strain the must through a colander or strainer. Try to squeeze as much of the juice as possible before discarding the pulp. After straining, fill the legs of the panty hose with the goop and hang over a bucket. Let it filter for 2 hours and then help it along by squeezing. This is the messiest part of the process. Then pour the murky liquid into a clean bucket. Add enough water to almost fill the bucket, leaving about 2 inches from top. Cover with a lid, or a sheet of plastic wrap. If it is a really tight seal, poke a couple of holes with a straight pin to keep the pressure from building. Finally leave the bucket sitting undisturbed for 1 month in a dark, warm place. After a month, siphon off the top contents, leaving the fruit sediment on the bottom. Final step in that is pour your homemade wine into bottles and cap tightly.

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