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How to make stuff: How do i make beer can airplanes

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How do i make beer can airplanes

First thing you need : Tin snips, Wire hanger, Rivets and rivet gun. Here's the detailed step by step method.

First punch holes in the center of 4 bottoms. Then place 2 bottoms together, convex sides facing out each other, and then carefully press one edge around the other to form a wheel. Repeat for another wheel. Then clip a wire hanger 7 inches in length. Now cut a 3-by-5 inch rectangle and fold lengthwise with wire hanger in the fold. Finally thread the wheels onto the wire on each end. Next step is to cut one can in half in the bottom. Final step in this process is to thread the wire hanger through the holes punched earlier through the body and wings. Don't forget to bend one end to form the hanger for the plane.

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At June 24, 2010 at 7:21 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

pretty pictures, but how do you expect anyone to follow these directions?


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