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How to make stuff: How to make paper airplanes

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

How to make paper airplanes

Making paper airplane is a cheap and easy hobby because all you need is a sheet of paper. But making that paper airplane to fly higher, and then preferably land in style can be even more interesting and challenging. So before you are waiting to save up some money to get a good RC flying airplane model, the best one paper airplane model is a much cheaper alternative to experiment and work on at the meantime. 

If you are working in a child care centres or the elderly care homes, creating and making this airplanes can also be a useful and therapeutic pass time for children and the elderly seniors because folding paper airplane keeps the mind occupied and throwing them could also be a form of physical exercise.  So take a piece of paper and start doing this paper air planes. See the images for step –by – step procedure.

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