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How to make stuff: How to Make Stuff How to Make Candles 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Make Stuff How to Make Candles 2010

Traditionally, candles have been used as a source of light and heat for several centuries. Most of the candles even today are made from wax or paraffin. However, in the technologically advanced world, candles have become a piece of fancy, fashion, art and décor, and religious symbols, often used for completely changing the ambiance of a room or setting, be it a birthday candle, a candle-light dinner or for creating romantic environment. Candle making has also caught the fancy of kids to adult alike all over the world.

Millions of people love to make candles at home not only because the readymade candles are expensive but also because it is a good hobby and craft. That is why, on the Internet, you can find millions of web search results under the keyword 'how to make candles'. Well, it is neither easy nor difficult to make candles. There are thousands of youtube videos and step by step tutorials on how to make candles, be it gel candles, wax candles, scented candles, fun candles, shot glass candles or many more fancy and artistic candles.

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