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How to make stuff: How to Make Stuff How to Make Chocolates 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Make Stuff How to Make Chocolates 2010

There must be hardly any people in the world who do not like chocolates; however, making chocolates at home is not very common because it is a little tedious process and it needs lots of patience and practice to get good results like the commercial grade chocolates. You must be aware that chocolates are made from the basic ingredient cocoa seeds, which are extremely bitter in taste and to turn cocoa beans into world' most popular foodstuff, companies invest millions of bucks on tools, equipments, processes and machinery.

Nevertheless, despite it being not a piece of cake, millions of people keep on searching how to make chocolates. The process of making chocolates starts with roasting of cocoa beans, which is very much similar to roasting of coffee beans. You can roast cocoa beans in your oven but it needs some experimenting with the temperature settings before you get the perfection. After roasting, you need to crack the beans in a special grinder, something similar to a coffee bean grinder. Further processes include refining the coarse cocoa beans, liquifying and melting the beans into cocoa mold, add flavors, milk, nuts and other additives as per your taste.

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