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How to make stuff: How to Make Stuff How to Make Icing 2010

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How to Make Stuff How to Make Icing 2010

Making a cake at home is very easy nowadays especially due to the high end ovens and other domestic appliances. But wen it comes to the icing on the cake, it is even more easier than normally thought. That is why, everybody loves to do homemade icing or cake frosting, and moreover, it is also a great and enjoyable experience. You can make icing and cake frosting from many options including cinnamon, lemon juice, vanilla, crushed mints, crushed peppermints, crushed cookies or cream biscuits or just with anything else readily available at home.

If you know how to make icing, you must be aware that although making it takes just few minutes but the preparation requires much more time and efforts. Powdered sugar, vanilla, and milk are the most common ingredients needed for making cake icing. Besides, you will need mixing bowls and spoons and a fine pointed implement (maybe a cone) to carve out decorative icing or write something on the cake with the icing. If you are not sure how to make icing, you can check out couple of youtube videos or hundreds of step by step DYI guides available on the net.

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