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How to make stuff: How to Make Compost

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Make Compost

How to Make Compost

Compost is nothing but a type of organic fertilizer that comprises of organic materials derived from the plants and other matter that have been decomposed by natural decomposition process. Composting is a process used by individuals and farmers where compost pits are dug out in the gardens for decompositions of plant and other green waste. Composting is also done on large scale by industries and municipalities and other agencies of various cities. It is often said that no home garden is complete with a compost pit.

Composting is one of the best methods of producing rich nutrients required for for the plants, gardening, landscaping agriculture and horticulture. Compost manure is extremely beneficial as a natural fertilizer, soil conditioner, natural pesticide and for addition of vital humic acids into soil. Compost is also beneficial for erosion control, land reclamation, landfills cover and wetland construction. To make a compost in the simplest way, you may dig out a compost pit in the backyard and start filling it with plant waste and green waste from the gardens and leftover food, rotten vegetables and fruits, and peels of fruits and vegetables or any wet waste from kitchen and put some earthworms, which will do the rest of work. Pour some water into the compost pit regularly and after 2-3 weeks, you will find naturally decomposed compost in the pit.

How to Make Compost

How to Make Compost

How to Make Compost

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