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How to make stuff: How to Make a Latte

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Make a Latte

How to Make a Latte

Latte is from the Italian word CAFFELATTE that means coffee and milk, which is essentially a coffee drink made from espresso and steamed milk. From the simple explanation about latte, it seems that making latte is very easy. Yes, it is no doubt simple and quick but as with any coffee drink, the correct proportions, ingredients and the right brewing are most important while making a latte.

Though latte is an Italian coffee drink but it has become extremely popular in the United States whereas in Italy, you may not find it in the popular cafes except in few where it is served with breakfast. In fact, when you order latte in Italy, you may get a glass of hot or cold milk. Latte is served in United States at many places and the varieties with sweet and flavored syrups are more popular. In many parts of the world, latte is also prepared by replacing coffee with tea, mate (a traditional South American drink) or matcha (Japanese green tea).

How to Make a Latte

How to Make a Latte

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