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How to make stuff: How to Make Sangria

Friday, August 20, 2010

How to Make Sangria

Sangria is one of the favorite wine punch in Spain that has different alcoholic contents depending upon the variations in the recipes. Typically, Sangria is made from a dry, light, fruit flavored, young, acidic and inexpensive red wine brewed from the local regions of Spain or a French wine. In addition to the wine, Sangria may contain chopped or sliced fruit such as orange, lemon, apple, peach, strawberry or grape or any other citrus fruit, a small amount of sweetener such as sugar, honey or any fruit nectar, a small amount of brandy or any other spirit and ice and carbonated soda.

Depending upon whether you use white wine or red wine, and the carbonation level, the recipes of Sangria can change drastically and in many countries, they have different names for the Sangria drink. Sangria has become popular in many countries where it made with various ingredients but in all the recipes, wine is the base, be it a white wine or a red wine. Sangria is also a common drink in the West Indies, where it is known as Sangaree. In several regions, a non-alcoholic variety of Sangria is made from grape juice, lemon, carbonated water and sugar cane juice.

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