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How to make stuff: How to Make Bath Bombs

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Make Bath Bombs

Bath Bomb is a favorite bath item that is used to create lots of fizzy and bubbling water inside a bathtub. Bath bombs are easy to make and also a fun for giving away as gifts. Basically, a bath bomb is a mixture of a weak acid and a base of bicarbonates such as citric acid and sodium bicarbonate. Bath bombs are unreactive when in dry form but when dissolved in water, it reacts vigorously and produces a peculiar fizzing, which could last for few minutes.

Carbon Dioxide bubbles that generate from the water dissolved bath bombs provide a tickling sensation to boy, which is liked by many people. A simple bath bomb can be turned into a piece of fun by adding other ingredients such as rose flower petals, fragrant oils, glitter and any other substance that can impart fragrance and color. Traditional bath bombs are spherical in shape but you make bath bombs in varieties of shapes including tablets, and lumps. Many people say that taking a bath by throwing a bath bomb in bathtub is something like taking a bath in fizzy champagne.

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