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How to make stuff: How to Make Lassi

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Make Lassi

Lassi is a traditional Indian and Pakistani drink that is basically made from curd or yogurt. There are hundreds of varieties of Lassies including flavored lassies, dry fruit lassies, fruit lassies, salted lassies, sweet lassies and rose lassies, and mango lassies, among others. Chaas is another most popular form of drink in majority of the households in India, which is nothing but a diluted lassi with more water than curd or yogurt.

In India, Lassi is also used often in many religious ceremonies, which is made from curd and honey. Different types of Chilled Lassies topped with a layer of clotted cream are used as common offering like tea or coffee to the guests specially in summer and hot seasons. In many households, Chaas is an integral part of two major meals, which is also considered as an appetizer. Salted and spiced lassies have also become extremely popular in many parts of India. Saffron Lassies loaded with dry fruits or its powders are extremely popular in Sindh region of Pakistan and Punjab and Rajasthan States of India. Making a lassi is a child's play, what you all need is curd or yogurt, a blender and different types of additives such as rose syrup, mango syrup, fruit juices and crushed ice, among others.

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