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How to make stuff: How to Make Soda

Monday, August 30, 2010

How to Make Soda

Soda or soda water and soda soft drinks are perhaps one the most consumed non-alcoholic beverages, which are drunk as a plain soda, flavored soda, salty soda, ginger soda and fruit soda, fruit juice soda and many more, and above all, as a common diluent to various alcoholic drinks. In simple terms, soda is nothing but carbonated water that is mad effervescent by the addition of carbon dioxide gas under pressure.

Soda is the most common name in most parts of the world but there are also quite a few different names in some of the countries, for instance, Club Soda in the United States and Canada. The basic ingredients for making soda are water, carbon dioxide and common alkaline salts such as sodium bicarbonate. The origin of soda or carbonated water dates back to 17th century, which was invented by an Englishman from Leeds, England. Many people prefer to make soda at home because it is simple and quick and also saves a good amount of money over the readymade stores-purchased soda bottles. Moreover, you can also buy soda making kits or soda dispensers and make soda any time at home in a matter of two minutes.

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