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How to make stuff: How to Make Kimchi

Monday, September 20, 2010

How to Make Kimchi

Kimchi is a traditional Korean Dish made from vegetables and variety of seasoning. Kimchi, also known as Kim Chee or Ginchi, can be with fermented or unfermented vegetables. Kimchi is a very popular dish that comes in numerous variations with major ingredients such as radish, napa cabbage, green onion and cucumber. In Korean Cuisine, Kimchi is one of the most favorite side dish along with Kimchi Stew, Soup and Fried rice. Kimchi is a very old traditional dish of Korea dating back to about 3000 years ago.

Varieties of the ingredients, spices and seasoning decide the type and variety of Kimchi. Moreover, there are many different seasonal and regional varieties of Kimchi. In the Museum in Seoul, there are about 187 different varieties of Kimchi, the most common seasoning include brine, scallions, chilli peppers, ginger, garlic and chopped radish. Due to the wide difference in the temperatures in northern and southern regions of Korea, there are several differences between the varieties of Kimchi in North and South Korea. For instance, Kimchi from northern regions have less salt as well as red chilli and they do not use brined seafood for seasoning. Being a dish with various vegetables, Kimchi is rich with dietary fibers and low in calories and also a good source of vitamin C.

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